
Building a macOS app with Rubymotion - Part 1: Getting started with Rubymotion

An article on getting started with macOS development with RubyMotion. It shows you how to initialize your first project and translate between Objective-C and RubyMotion.

desktop development gui macos rubymotion

Vendoring C libraries with Rubymotion

This article will show you how to integrate a C library in a Rubymotion OSX project. We are going to build an app that lets you render a markdown text into HTML using the C reference implementation of the CommonMark project.

development rubymotion vendoring

Run the Rubymotion Hello World app in VirtualBox

I wanted to try the RubyMotion Flow gem the other day and especially the Android part of it. Problem was how to test the Android app for development without having to buy and Android device. There is the built in emulator in the Android SDK, but after waiting for hours for it to boot up I lost faith and interest in it.

android development rubymotion

Didaktische Jahresplanung mit SublimeText erstellen

Eine systematische Didaktische Jahresplanung zu erstellen ist nicht einfach. In diesem Artikel zeige ich eine Möglichkeit, mit Hilfe von Markdown automatisch einen didaktischen Jahresplan zu erstellen.

de school teaching

Disable automatic Firefox HTML5 form validation in watir-webdriver

If you are testing your websites and especially your forms with watir-webdriver you might run into trouble because of automatic HTML5 validation in Firefox. Here’s how to fix it by adding some javascript magic.

ruby watir webdevelopment

RubyMotion coding style

One of the big problems writing Rubymotion code for OSX or iOS is that Cocoa forces you into writing unrubyish code which after some time becomes really bloated, ugly and consequently hard to understand and maintain. Here are a few links and tips from my (young) experience.

development rubymotion
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